Hey friends!

Kris said you had some questions about the “power of the novice” idea that we used to talk about at ASP. From my understanding, this was something that David made up but that we found to be true in our work. A quick search yielded a few articles and blog posts that I thought you might find interesting:

This is an idea that I see mentioned a lot, but I don’t really ever see a research backing for it. That said, if you wanted something more research-based, I might look to the perspective-taking literature, writings around the power of diversity in teams, and the HCD approach in general. I can also take a look through the archives this weekend if you’d like and look for presentations that we did on this idea at ASP, though I Know there won’t be a whole lot there and it will certainly be anecdotal rather than research-based. If that’s helpful though, let me know!

Hope you’re both well :)

Andrea Sachdeva