More programs 'n projects
OK, so we are making materials for one program and one project. I need to do a few different things and, in particular, I think need to organize my approach to making work within this interest.
META WORK: Design/deploy page for N&tN work
Create a mock-up and site map
Very brief description of my interest/direction of inquiry
Portfolio of “finished,” documentation-worthy work (or at least layout for this)
Ongoing wonderings, nuggets, questions, resources (AKA blog)
SHORT-TERM PROJECT: Snippet-based exploration of the analytical side of music
Answering questions about my musical stereotypes using Echonest
Did Adele sing each chorus separately in Rolling in the Deep?
Did Oasis really only write one song?
Is all Dub Step at the same BPM?
Short write-ups about close listenings to specific songs/parts of songs
Comparisons of the timbres of different instruments via language and acoustics
LONG-TERM PROJECT: Improvising music documentary snippet site
Collect video clips of SoH folks describing the tactics they use to improvise
When appropriate, finding recorded solos to complement the interview ideas
Perhaps, once I figure out how to interview, reaching out to pros (Silkroad?)
PROGRAM: Musical mapping, relying on our ears to remember
Creating digital landscapes that are animated visually and aurally
Making interactive, musical memoirs, including templates to make this happen
Musical field guides laying out the various aspects of specific songs
Maps of hometown/childhood/a decade—laid out spatially, temporally, aurally
Physical projects to sense and interpret sound —
- This is something that I’m always interested in but stuck on doing because I don’t immediately know how, see how to get started, but I think I should dabble here to see.
Working with the Echonest API —
- Again, this is something I’ve wanted to do, and we’ve used as an example project so many times, that I think doing a small project in this arena would be useful, illuminating.
Found sound compositions —
- A la the Deerfield waste treatment facility piece shared at a spaghetti dinner
Small-scale write-ups around musical topics of interest —
What I like about some of my favorite improvisations
What I like about some of my favorite songs