3P B4 Summer
This obtuse title refers to how I imagine achieving my 3P (e.g. Program, project, proposal from my last entry) by summertime. I have yet to get started on these projects, even after a couple months. Not gonna harp on that inside myself, though you can tell fair reader that I am already doing that if you are actually reading this text. Anyway, here is my plan for how to accomplish these things over the next few months.
/noise timeline
Mar 10 — Mock-up for /noise site setup
Mar 20 — First draft of site for review by AM
Apr 1— Site finalized and being used
Improvising improvisation timeline
Mar 15 — Develop pitch for project, talk to Patrick about interviewing techniques, identify first few interviewees and reach out to them about being involved in the project
Apr 1 — First draft interview questions, interviews scheduled throughout April
Apr ongoing — Conduct and record 10 interviews, revising process as I go
May — Sit with, edit, take stock of first collection of footage
5S timeline
Mar 5 — Set up Spotify API and development environment, ID questions to ask/answer
Mar 13 — Answer and write up one question
Mar 20 — Answer and write up one question
Mar 27 — Answer and write up one question
Music Mapping timeline
Apr 1 — Pitch for program laid out, 20 projects brainstormed, personal projects & collab studio project IDed and studio scheduled for end of April/early May with AM
May 1 — Personal project done, collab studio planned/equipped